Sunday, April 6, 2008
Blogging Pro: Template 3 Coloumn Untuk Publisher Adsense
Anda blogger dan mencari template yang mendukung program adsense ataupun klik saya? Maka, saya rasa template ini salah satu pilihan yang tepat. Sebenarnya sudah lama template ini saya jadikan draft *sejak masih tinggal di blogger* dan ingin segera meresonansikannya, namun karena kesibukan pindahan, syukuran dan hal lainnya baru kali ini saya bisa publikasikan kepada Anda. Saya harap template ini bisa dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya oleh publiher adsense dari Indonesia untuk memaksimalkan income tentunya, agar kita semua sama2 berhasil, tidak saling sikut-menyikut *seperti politikus* tapi saling bergandeng tangan dan saling mendukung. *blogger indonesia memang keren, hehe* Selengkapnya Baca di
Saturday, April 5, 2008
OLE: An Introduction
In 1991, Microsoft introduced a new specification called OLE 1.0. The OLE in OLE 1.0 stood for object linking and embedding. OLE 1.0 was basically a way of doing compound documents. A compound document is a way of storing data in multiple formats, such as text, graphics, video, and sound, in a single document. Object-oriented was the new programming buzzword, and the OLE 1.0 specification was a move to a more object-oriented paradigm. Furthermore, OLE 1.0 was an effort to move toward a more document-centric approach, instead of an applications-centric approach. Unfortunately, OLE 1.0 was coldly received by software developers. Very few independent software vendors (ISVs) and corporations raced to embrace OLE 1.0 and OLE-enable their applications. This reluctance to deploy OLE 1.0 in applications was mainly because OLE 1.0 had a steep learning curve. In addition, OLE 1.0 had to be coded using a very complex C API, which embodied programming concepts new to most developers.
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